Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Selfless Trial

My lettuces have been getting bigger, and every day I look at them and wonder, is it time? 

Today it was TIME! Lunch time that is. They say you should harvest in the morning or evening, but when you're hungry, that's the best time to harvest!My plan, to "cut and come again". So I cut the longest leaves and left the rest to grow bigger. I'm a little worried about the cut stems. What will happen? Hopefully they will just wilt and not rot and ruin the rest of the plant.

Here's what I was able to harvest from two six packs of plants after two weeks. Wondering whether things will start picking up, or whether this is about the yield. 

So in the interests of scientific exploration and the safety of my family, I made a decent sized salad with a few pine nuts, shaved p. romano, a spray of olive oil and pinch of salt. It was truly
delicious. Definitely worth waiting two weeks for. I was able to find out in my selfless experiment that it was completely safe, so the next harvest I plan to share : )

PS. Not happy with the way the Blogger publishing tool works. It's really hard to work with and doesn't look like your edits after you post. Anyone have tips to share?

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